Friday, March 31, 2017


Are you trying to find Happiness Out in the World?

It's a bit difficult to stay happy if you are searching for it outside.  Have you ever noticed that when you set a goal, and you reach it, that awave of joy washes over you.  Your thoughts are happy, the things you notice seem bright, and the body hums.  It's great when things are going your way.  But what happens next?

Well, if you take the time to consider this, you will realize that that happiness you found in your outer world was only temporary.

Yikes.  All that hard work, planning, hoping and searching.  And where did it get you?  A few moments, days or weeks of feeling happy, and then down you go off of that cloud.

I don't want to rain on your parade here.  It's fun to experience life's waves and the pleasure that ebbs and flow.  But to fully invest in the future or in achieving success or such is short-term.  True joy begins by noticing all the things that don't bring you joy.  And as we begin to inquire into our relationships with goals,  and our mind opens- we begin to see that all these temporary things fall away on their own accord.  The best way to find joy is to appreciate what IS... and to let go as that wave diminishes.  Appreciating what is right in front of us and around of us is exciting and bliss.  Why because we are alive and everything is working together just as it is.

Our addictions and wants take us away from gratitude and fullness.

The easiest way to find freedom is to start to see this.  And then to begin to question the world in which you live whenever there is anything that takes you away from joy.

But don't trust me.  Trust your own answers when you begin your inquiry.  Allow Divine Truth to open your mind and heart.   Ask and listen.  It's all right here in the NOW.

Peace Out,

Sharon Hartnett LMT, CST-D, SI, BHSP
740 966-5153

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Discovering Fascia

Fascia is the key element that connects and holds everything together in the human body.
For most of us, we have learned to understand that all the muscles, organs, tissues, blood vessels, and nerves are isolated structures, but in fact, they are not.  Everything in the human body is in contact either directly or indirectly with itself and the other.  What makes this possible is the incredible presence of this fascia which is an intricate web that envelops, sheaths, and integrates with the ability to create a powerfully, well aligned body.

Fascia is a postural organ, that only now are we discovering its powerful and integrative nature.  If you are feeling imbalanced or any type of pain, look to the fascia as a doorway to fining more order, easy and freedom in your movement and rest.  When an experienced therapist works with you, they will be able to support your body’s ability to let go of habitual patterning, break down adhesions, knots and discord.  What’s great about this work verses a typical massage is that the benefits are much more long lasting and can show dramatic results immediately.

During a typical 10 series with Structural Integration therapy, fascia is manipulated to help your tissues differentiate and length to free up the extrinsic sleeve, while the following into the deeper core in various planes.  You’ll be surprised how much better you will feel.  More recently, I have moved from doing the deeper work into a light touch Craniosacral type of work.  I have found by listening to the body’s dialoguing mechanisms, that when the body doesn’t fight the touch, there is more release.

Below, look at this image of fascia.  It helps you see how it connects.

Perhaps you have seen this while preparing chicken for dinner?

But no worries.  When you are the table,  you will feel changes and shifts and your body lets go and your body revitalizes.

Nothing feels better than to find deep relaxation and opening up the body into optimal functioning.

Next time you are thinking about finding pain relief,  ask your local therapist about fascial massage!

Sharon Hartnett LMT, CST, SI

740 966-5153
Serving the local Columbus, Ohio area