Wednesday, December 17, 2014

What is Visceral Manipulation?

Visceral Manipulation is focused on restoring the health of organ movement while enhancing functionality.

Based on the Work of Dr. Jean-Piere Barral, a therapist who practices Visceral Manipulation manually listens to the body to feel for primary tension patterns.  At first the hands are placed on the head in order to follow any strains, rotations or restrictions downward.  As the general listening continues, one is directed more into a local listening to be able to find areas for the more detailed work.

Once the area of dysfunction is discovered, techniques are used to bring harmony back to the original organs and also with their relationship to the rest of the visceral system and nearby structures.  This is done by working with mobility (releasing and adhesions and supporting free movement), and by touching into the inherent motility and encouraging natural motion.

A session is done with very light touch working mostly through the connective tissue that encases the organs such as the kidneys, livers, intestines etc... By releasing restrictions, the organs can return back to the job that were created for by not having to work so hard.  Visceral Manipulation usually takes a shorter time than with other types of massage and bodywork, so it can easily be incorporated into other types of therapy.   

Because the Barral Institute is linked with the Upledger Institute,  often one will find practitioners who will add the visceral work into a Craniosacral Therapy Session. They both include listening and following rhythms, are based on listening and applying gentle manipulations, and can be done with clothes on.  Both are built on the foundation of osteopathic medicine.

If you have more questions on this fabulous type of therapy, check

Sharon Hartnett LMT, CST
Upper Arlington and Johnstown, Ohio
(614) 372-6598

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