Sunday, January 18, 2015

Listen and Follow with Craniosacral Therapy

Craniosacral Therapy

One of the reasons why I began to study Craniosacral Therapy (CST)) years ago was that when I went for my first sessions,  I felt so held, and cared for while experiencing profound change down to my cells. 

I was used to Structural Integration and Barbara Brennan work, and this felt like it was a great "in between".  It wasn't an assertive type of work, but rather a modality of listening while connecting to the rhythms and the silence where a meeting of mind body & soul connection took place.  

Now that I am an Advanced Certified Craniosacral Therapist,  one of my passions is educating people about the many benefits of this type of therapy.

Many of the clients that come into my office are looking for help with Migraines, Lower Back Pain, Post-surgery neck pain, fibromyalgia, stress, emotional release, and spine alignment.  There are many other types of areas where CST can help, but this seems to be my draw.  How the Craniosacral Therapy works is by addressing adhesions, restrictions and compression in the cranium and along the spine.  By listening to the fascial diaphragms and movements of the fluid and bones, the wisdom of the body offers great information about what it needs to heal.  As the information is received, the therapist supports whatever wants to happen generally without force or any type of control.  Rather, the intention is to "BE" with whatever comes, whatever stops, and whatever goes."  This is the simplest explanation, but there is much more.  A professional Craniosacral Therapist understands the anatomy and the physiology of the Craniosacral system.  We know how to test it for flexion and extension, amplitude, quality, rate and different characteristics which affect the overall health of the nervous systems, and everything that is connected throughout.  In most cases, the therapist uses about a nickels worth of weight when starting the session and pretty much throughout the whole process.

Often when clients get off the table, they tell me that they feel lighter, happier, more relaxed and sometimes even floating.  It's amazing that when pain patterns are released how the whole person dynamic is positively changed.

Craniosacral Therapy is very gentle, yet profound work.  Give yourself a few sessions to see how it will change your life.  Remember that whatever is not working for you took some time to get that way, and that healing needs to unleash it's own power to come back to center.

If you have any questions about Craniosacral Therapy,  please call Sharon at:  (614) 372-6598

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