Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Have You Contracted with Pain?

Have you ever noticed that pain starts to disappear when you are "Being" in the moment rather than basing your life on the past or future fears?

One of my teachers from the past, Donna Evans-Strauss, used to talk about a "negative love bond" a concept that really struck a cord with me.  How I understood that to mean was that we connect through our essence to something that we experience as distortion. Yet the shadow glows just enough  that truth is lost and we begin to identify with the veiled lie.  Because we are lost in the notion of separation and isolation in this world, we long so deeply to be connected, and we can take on the illusion of that relationship, even if it takes us away from the very real and direct connection of God that already exists.  I see this in so many places.  An example might be teenagers who fall in love, and the boyfriend starts to verbally abuse.  The girls allows this to go on in the name of "love".  Well, love, or rather our belief in what love is, takes on many shades.  If we actually want to know what love is unconditionally, we have to learn to become more objective and curious in our experiences and remove our invisible adhesions to that which does not serve our highest good.  We have to learn to let go of even the things we hold most loyally in the name of the One God.

One of the prayers that I like that is helpful is based on something I read in another blog,  that revokes any agreements that have kept us unconscious.  This prayer says, " I revoke all agreements to experience hardship, limitation, bad relationships, health problems, financial problems, family dysfunctions and anything else in my life that is energy draining."

In addition,  when we find ourselves in stress and pain, it is healthy to question what we are believing.  Everything we believe has been taught.  And it is time for us to think for ourselves and find freedom by actually connecting to Source itself rather than what other people think and say.   For this type of inquiry,  I recommend,  Byron Katie 's site.  She offers free worksheets to help you to disengage from your story and align with Truth.

Also,  if you want to learn how to "Be" more full present in YOUR LIFE,  connect to that which feels nurturing and abundant in your life.  Look towards nature to teach you about love and kindness.  It is always found there.  Create a Sacred environment that is accepting, clear and heartfelt where you live and work.  Put yourself in to friendships that are peaceful and open.  Let go, and Let God.

My thoughts for the day.  What are yours?

Sharon Hartnett LMT, CST, SI
740 966-5153

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