In order to be an excellent Craniosacral Therapist, one must really learn to listen to the CS rhythm before doing anything else.
With the Craniosacral System, the practitioner needs to be able to feel the subtle movement under the body as it moves through flexion and extension. This takes practice and experience for most therapists as they begin their journey into the world of Craniosacral Therapy. Sometimes, it also takes the clients a few times to sink in and actually connect to the rhythm as well. This is because most people have not learned about this rhythm as much as for example the cardiac pulse or diaphragm breathing. However, the more one receives this work, the more profound it may become, releasing cellular memory patterns and old energy dynamics.
Using an intention of supporting and connection in Craniosacral Therapy, incredible changes can occur, mostly leaving clients feeling rested, rejuvenated and in good spirits as the work completes itself. CST can also help alleviate deep seated pain, unwind twists and rotations, and allow space for emotional holding to let go in order to lighten up.
If you would like to know more about this type of bodywork, please call Sharon Hartnett at (614) 372-6598 for a free 15 minute phone consultation.
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