Thursday, September 18, 2014

Relieving Osteoarthritis Pain Symptoms with Craniosacral Therapy

In the AMTA Massage Journal,  I just read that approximately 27 million Americans suffer from Osteoarthritis. 

While there is no cure available for Osteoarthritis, there are some treatments that have proven to be helpful in alleviating pain.  In order to optimize quality of life,  speak to your physician first, but also consider looking at a holistic health plan for yourself so that you can remain active and vital in your life.  

Some ideas:

1.  Studies have shown significant improvement with Massage in case studies.  People who have received sessions weekly can feel a real difference.  In particular in my practice, fascial and Craniosacral Therapy has helped clients to feel more flexible and healthier.  As the tissues rehydrate, more fluids are able to get to the joints and regenerate flow and energy.  What is especially nice about the Craniosacral Therapy is that it is extremely light touch, thereby very gentle while providing revitalizing effects.

2.  Food Elimination- Clients that I know who have eliminated certain foods out their diet, feel huge shifts.  The first few days may be difficult, especially if you are letting go of gluten, sugars, nightshade foods, or dairy, but afterwards, the body starts to hum and vibrate in a much more joyful melody.  There are wonderful doctors in the field of Functional Medicine who have had much success with this.  One that I recommend is:  Dr. Anup Konodia  who was just seen on 20/20 nationally.  I have seen clients of his feel incredible changes after changing their diets.

3.  Topical Pain relievers may be helpful.  Some of the patches available at your local pharmacy may help with local pain relief.

4.  Exercise:  Most doctors these days will tell you to listen to your body, but also make sure that you are getting enough exercise to keep your circulation up.  However, don't overdo it because symptoms can worsen if overly fatigued.  Exericse is about finding the right balance for you.

5.  Your physician may want to give you steroids or other medications.  They recommend early treatment to help the progression of the disease to slow down.  As a patient though,  communicate, research and follow the path that feels best to you.


Sharon Hartnett LMT
Columbus, Ohio   614 372-6598

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