Wednesday, October 1, 2014

The Spiritual Side of Craniosacral Therapy

The Spiritual Side of Craniosacral Therapy

Craniosacral Therapy for me originally started as a very grounding and physically oriented way to heal.  The physiology, anatomy, and techniques took some time to learn and understand.  Very linear. Very practical.

But as I began to work with more clients, the energy consciousness dynamic also became very present.  In working primarily with the nervous system, a certain connection on that level of experience ended up being transformative for my clients and also for me.  From my experience, when the body comes into a more restful and peaceful way of Being, an effortless space is created where there is nothing to do but feel more alive in the moment.  There is no work...not even play.  Just a dance between two people meeting and melding in a way that is naturally creative, from the essence of life.

I don't know if Craniosacral Therapists speak of this often as integrative practitioners attract clients wanting to physically get well as their first goal. But this added spiritual experience only enhances the sessions as the mind opens up to new realms of life.  It allow more conscious inter-connection.

My hope is that people are more willing to explore what  "Wellness" mean to them as an individuals.  Does it signify illness into health? Sometimes in illnesses, pain, and suffering, there is a great learning as these areas are touched and lifted into the light so to speak.  Our humanity is questioned, and we have an opportunity to leap into new change.  How many people truly want to step out of their comfort zone and allow the old paradigm to dissolve?  I was just watching Joan Londen on Good Morning America and she said something in terms of how her breast cancer helped her to realize how precious life truly is.  It was a shame that this had to be the tool.  Maybe it could be easier?  I don't know to be honest. But if this is what life is handing you, why not turn it around and see what is on the other side.  Spirit will lead you to the deeper understanding of your existence and what that means through truth and love.  On the other hand, if life is fulfilling and all that it can be for you at this juncture, stay mindful to the opportunities and grace there as well.   Be proactive in your life and support yourself and relationships through the acceptance of Grace and Gratitude.

With the Craniosacral Therapy, the work is light, subtle at times... and easy to allow.   If clients can be patient for sessions and allow this new input from a new modality to enter their system, they will find a new way into still point and reorganization that will prepare them for the next level of their evolution.   Wherever you are on your life path, may the blessings of this earth awaken your spirit into wonder and compassion.


Sharon Hartnett CST 614 372-6598

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