Monday, October 20, 2014

Fascia: The Biological Fabric that Holds Us Together (Yin and Yang)

Fascia is one of the least understood networks of the Human Body.

If I were to start a conversation with just about any person outside of the Medical Field, they would say, "huh,  I have never heard of fascia".

But if you are a person who likes to have stability and enjoys movement- this part of our anatomy and physiology is very important in terms of living an optimal life.  For a thorough explanation of what fascia is, check out Tom Meyer's Anatomy Trains Website which defines fascia as: 

Here, though, and increasingly in scientific and research circles and professionals worldwide, ‘fascia’ has a wider definition: all the collagenous-based soft-tissues in the body, including the cells that create and maintain that network of extra-cellular matrix (ECM). That definition includes all the tissues traditionally designated as ‘fascia’ in classical anatomy, plus all the other very similar tissues arrayed in different ways around the body; tendons, ligaments, bursae, and all the fascia in and around the muscles – endomysium, perimysium, epimysium. Also included would be the fascia around the organs: the coelomic bags that hold the organs in the peritoneum and mesentery in your abdominal cavity, the mediastinum, pericardium, and pleura that hold the organs in the chest cavity, and the membranes – dura and pia and perineuria – that surround the brain, spinal cord, and peripheral nerves.

As a fascial bodyworker for over 15 years, I have seen the extraordinary shifts and changes in many clients as they receive connective tissue massage that releases adhesions and patterns that keep them out of proper alignment. They walk out with less pain, sometimes no pain at all, with better posture, more sensation within the body, emotionally more stable, and definitely more flexible and more connected to their own energy source.  

And-I have learned that each client needs a unique approach that best suits where he/she is at the time of the sessions.  Some clients like more aggressive or assertive work, and others are best worked with a very soothing and whispering touch.  Even that can change from session to session.

How does Structural Integration and Craniosacral Therapy support the Fascial System?

I like to look at these two systems of bodywork (massage) as yin and yang.  

Craniosacral (CST)  is a very light touch therapy that works primarily with the Craniosacral system.  The best practitioners/therapists in this massage area of focus know how to listen well in silence and gather the necessary information to best be able to support the body to find its own corrections through the most gentle support. While much of the intention is based on the flexion and extension movements of the Cranium and Sacrum, while releasing any restrictions there, the myofascial aspect is also necessary to address for re-connection and communication. The soft tissue weblike fascia functions best when it is lengthened and strains are removed. This can be accomplished by a soft following and connection into unwinding and opening with CST. In fact, when the fascia is worked along with the Craniosacral rhythm and balancing, the collagen, elastin and ground substance transforms exponentially.  I feel this with my hands as change occurs throughout the whole body.  I would call this more "Yin" as it feels more sensitive and receptive.

I first began with a Structural Integration many years ago.  With the evolution of my work, I see the 10 sessions as a co-operation between the therapist and the client to dialogue and work from the outside in, meaning the superficial to the deeper core levels to bring the body into easy movement with the force of gravity.  Using manual hands-on techniques, the therapist moves in multiple directions to help the body to restore itself into the most natural positioning.  In the recipe, the whole of the physical body is addressed with a basic 10 series guidelines as a focus. But it is important to understand that when one part of the body is touched, the rest is too as the fascia is continuous throughout. The Structural Integration work can be quiet like the CST work, but usually it is done more assertively to support dense and scarred tissue to break up and lengthen.  It is up to the therapist and the client to dialogue and discuss boundaries in order to build trust.  If a client ends up defending or compensating, then the work looses its optimal value.  It's always a dance for the massage therapist to find the the "dance of magic" between lighter and deeper touch.  Ultimately though, what is desired is health and wellness on all levels.

I have a real passion for working with clients who are in pain, with limited motion and feeling stuck in trauma.  Working with the Conenctive Tissue Fascia can be life changing.  When you feel better in your body, your whole outlook can change into rays of sunshine!

If you are interested in finding a Massage Therapist in Columbus Ohio who knows fascia, contact:

Sharon Hartnett LMT, CST, SI, BHSP     at (614) 372-6598 for a free 15 telephone consultation.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Just Listen

What makes a Craniosacral Therapy session helpful for clients is the ability of the therapist to listen well.

Craniosacral Therapy is all about the rhythm and helping people to self-correct issues which are taking them out of health.  So it is understandable that the therapist needs to quiet down internally and open to the information that he/she is receiving with their hands, the whole body, and intuitively.

When the Craniosacral Rhythm is restored to health quality in symmetry, amplitude and rate, the nervous system responds in a very positive way.  When the nervous system is healthy, the rest of the body is happier too!

In this day and age, so many people are stressed.  They spend so much time working hard, being goal oriented rather than resting in the moment.  When the mind body spirit becomes overstimulated, it takes a toll of the whole person.  By taking in the skillful touch of Craniosacral Therapy, clients often feel rejuvenated and more balanced.  

Some of the conditions where Craniosacral Therapy can support:  Fibromyalgia, headaches, chronic pain, ADHD, scoliosis, autism, neuralgia, menstrual pain, sinusitis, chronic fatigue, TMJ, breathing disorders, arthritis, emotional disorders and more.

For more information about how Craniosacral Therapy may help you, cause Sharon Hartnett CST for a free 15 phone consultation at (614) 372-6598.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

The Spiritual Side of Craniosacral Therapy

The Spiritual Side of Craniosacral Therapy

Craniosacral Therapy for me originally started as a very grounding and physically oriented way to heal.  The physiology, anatomy, and techniques took some time to learn and understand.  Very linear. Very practical.

But as I began to work with more clients, the energy consciousness dynamic also became very present.  In working primarily with the nervous system, a certain connection on that level of experience ended up being transformative for my clients and also for me.  From my experience, when the body comes into a more restful and peaceful way of Being, an effortless space is created where there is nothing to do but feel more alive in the moment.  There is no work...not even play.  Just a dance between two people meeting and melding in a way that is naturally creative, from the essence of life.

I don't know if Craniosacral Therapists speak of this often as integrative practitioners attract clients wanting to physically get well as their first goal. But this added spiritual experience only enhances the sessions as the mind opens up to new realms of life.  It allow more conscious inter-connection.

My hope is that people are more willing to explore what  "Wellness" mean to them as an individuals.  Does it signify illness into health? Sometimes in illnesses, pain, and suffering, there is a great learning as these areas are touched and lifted into the light so to speak.  Our humanity is questioned, and we have an opportunity to leap into new change.  How many people truly want to step out of their comfort zone and allow the old paradigm to dissolve?  I was just watching Joan Londen on Good Morning America and she said something in terms of how her breast cancer helped her to realize how precious life truly is.  It was a shame that this had to be the tool.  Maybe it could be easier?  I don't know to be honest. But if this is what life is handing you, why not turn it around and see what is on the other side.  Spirit will lead you to the deeper understanding of your existence and what that means through truth and love.  On the other hand, if life is fulfilling and all that it can be for you at this juncture, stay mindful to the opportunities and grace there as well.   Be proactive in your life and support yourself and relationships through the acceptance of Grace and Gratitude.

With the Craniosacral Therapy, the work is light, subtle at times... and easy to allow.   If clients can be patient for sessions and allow this new input from a new modality to enter their system, they will find a new way into still point and reorganization that will prepare them for the next level of their evolution.   Wherever you are on your life path, may the blessings of this earth awaken your spirit into wonder and compassion.


Sharon Hartnett CST 614 372-6598