Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Is Life Feeling a Little Bit Stressful?

The only way to relax and calm down is to learn the art of mindfulness.  Nobody can do this for you...

However, at Lighten Up Therapies,

Our Hands On Massage and Energy Work will support your journey inward to find Inner Peace.  

Allow our gentle Craniosacral techniques to help you bypass normal defense mechanisms and allow the more integrated body mind & spirit connection to relieve deep tension.   The body has the intelligence to empty and move the soul into quiet presence.  

Moving into Unity!

Call: (614) 372-6598 

For more information,  visit  www.MassageinColumbusohio.com

Health in Columbus

At Lighten Up Therapies, we care about your health.

With my clients, I tend to notice that there are certain people who tend to stay more healthy and vital.  The common healthy habits which I have observed in people that  keep them feeling good are:

  1. Taking time to listen to their bodies and notice when they are stressed.
  2. Having a healthy eating mindset.
  3. Staying active.
  4. Practicing mindful meditation.
  5. Receiving Massage and Bodywork on a proactive basis.  
  6. Annual doctor visits.
  7. Sleeping well.
It's not always easy to stay true to all these aspects of life, so....

It is important to set a positive intent for yourself if you want to feel great in your body.  At Lighten Up Therapies ask for a 15 minute consult on how to align to your purpose and longing physically, energetically, with your hara and Core Star.

At Lighten Up Therapies, we offer bodywork, massage and Brennan Healing to support your on your journey to wellness.  We enjoy being part of your goal to live well and find joy in your every moment.  With a background in Structural Integration, Craniosacral Therapy and Brennan Healing Science, you can rest peacefully in our hands~  

Brennan Healers Associate


Sharon Hartnett LMT

(614) 372-6598 

Saturday, November 2, 2013

TLC with Craniosacral Therapy

Needing a little TLC?

At Lighten Up Therapies in Columbus Ohio, we are offering a November Thanksgiving special.  If you call for three sessions during the month, you will receive the fourth at 50% off.

Craniosacral Therapy (CST) is a light touch therapy that works with the cerebrospinal fluid to support self-regulation and healing.  This work is very gentle yet brings about a profound shift in the nervous system.  For more information, check the Upledger site for more information.

CST may be beneficial to reduce stress, enhance your energy levels, for ADHD, fibromyalgia, migraine headaches, and in relieving pain.  

For more information, check:  www.massageincolumbusohion.com