Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Follow the Energy in Craniosacral Therapy (614) 372-6598

Craniosacral Therapy (CST) is born from the field of Science. 

Dr. John Upledger, Dr. Sutherland and other Osteopathic physicians developed their fine CST work through years of study and research with the Craniosacral System (CSS).  Fortunately today, the Upledger Institute has trained thousands of massage therapists, bodyworkers and other hands-on practitioners to spread the benefits of this compassionate and profound work.  

How does Energy Fit into this Craniosacral Therapy Model?

Included in the Upledger curriculum, there is some focus on Energy Therapy.  Releasing chaotic patterns of energy dysfunction can dissolve restrictions and allow the body to self-correct and heal.  Flow and movement are essential in healing.

While most sessions start with a basic physiological protocol, the more advanced work actually does delve into feeling into the energy component of healing. One of the areas that I like to work with is relieving active energy cysts through light and gentle touch, but also through intention. After years of working with the Human Energy Field (HEF), it is fairly easy for me to just ask the body to show me the lesion and I directly go there.  Secondary or related areas will also present themselves as the session moves along as needed. Yet at the same time,  I am constantly amazed at how the energy of the HEF's wisdom is always so present and ready to facilitate the healing.  Craniosacral Therapy is a constant joy in revealing the body's own capacity to heal and evolve.

Often when I work with the energy cyst,  I notice that there are feelings and unresolved patterns that release.  But as my heart is open and I align my hara with kind and stable holding, the energy begins to quiet,  dissolve and the space reorganizes itself into a more peaceful state of being.

However, if emotional issues do showed up,   Craniosacral Therapists are trained to dialogue and support the client's own personal process without doing psychotherapy.  Our job is to help you find your own answers through whatever intelligence is awake and alive in your human energy field.

I know Energy Consciousness can seem very far out. But in reality, anyone who is sensitive can feel an energy system once they quiet and listen.

If you have any questions about a Craniosacral Therapy session including energy healing, please contact Sharon Hartnett at  740 966-5153for a free 15 minute phone consultation.

Sharon Hartnett LMT:  Certified Advanced Craniosacral Therapist in Columbus, Ohio

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