Wednesday, July 30, 2014

The Art of Listening with Craniosacral Therapy

When I talk about Craniosacral Therapy,  I always speak about Listening.

Clients come in to be heard.  Their bodies are asking to be acknowledged and supported.  The goals that they want accomplished can only be reached by palpation and touch with listening hands and a listening heart.  So when I came across the following quote, I was touched.  I was reminded that in the stillness and quiet, a bubbling spring sprouts forth that is fruitful and lush.  

"As healers we have to receive the story of our fellow human beings with a compassionate heart, a heart that does not judge or condemn but recognizes how the stranger’s story connects with our own…. Our most important question as healers is not, “What to say or to do?” but, “How to develop enough inner space where the story can be received?”

Henri J. M. Nouwen

Spaciousness is empty.  It holds the possibilities of all healing.


Sharon Hartnett LMT, CST

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