Wednesday, December 17, 2014

What is Visceral Manipulation?

Visceral Manipulation is focused on restoring the health of organ movement while enhancing functionality.

Based on the Work of Dr. Jean-Piere Barral, a therapist who practices Visceral Manipulation manually listens to the body to feel for primary tension patterns.  At first the hands are placed on the head in order to follow any strains, rotations or restrictions downward.  As the general listening continues, one is directed more into a local listening to be able to find areas for the more detailed work.

Once the area of dysfunction is discovered, techniques are used to bring harmony back to the original organs and also with their relationship to the rest of the visceral system and nearby structures.  This is done by working with mobility (releasing and adhesions and supporting free movement), and by touching into the inherent motility and encouraging natural motion.

A session is done with very light touch working mostly through the connective tissue that encases the organs such as the kidneys, livers, intestines etc... By releasing restrictions, the organs can return back to the job that were created for by not having to work so hard.  Visceral Manipulation usually takes a shorter time than with other types of massage and bodywork, so it can easily be incorporated into other types of therapy.   

Because the Barral Institute is linked with the Upledger Institute,  often one will find practitioners who will add the visceral work into a Craniosacral Therapy Session. They both include listening and following rhythms, are based on listening and applying gentle manipulations, and can be done with clothes on.  Both are built on the foundation of osteopathic medicine.

If you have more questions on this fabulous type of therapy, check

Sharon Hartnett LMT, CST
Upper Arlington and Johnstown, Ohio
(614) 372-6598

Monday, December 15, 2014

Structural Integration Columbus Ohio

Generally this is a Craniosacral Blog.  But I also work doing Structural Integration Therapy which is a more active type of massage therapy that focuses on the fascia. Lately,  I have been hearing the question,  "What is the difference between Rolfing and Structural Integration"?  So I decided to clarify it for those of you who have questions...

The Rolf Institute was created in 1971 to promote and educate people about the work of Dr. Ida Rolf.  The focus of her manual hands on fascia work is based on bringing balance and optimal functionality back to the body by working with the weblike connective tissues that contains all the living structures in your body.  The main benefit of this therapy from my perspective is that the Rolfing brings the body back into more natural alignment, thereby making it easier to move in relationship to gravity. This work helps people to feel more flexible longterm, more energized, and generally happier with how they feel both internally and in relationship with their environment after a 10 series.  The Rolf Institute is located in Boulder, Colorado.

As with most successful things,  students of Ida Rolf began to develop new ideas and concepts and began to branch off into different schools of thought.  One of the most well known fascial leaders at the moment is Tom Myers.  He has been in the forefront of research, evolving his own concepts and understanding while educating the public about this fabulous work.  His link can be found at: Anatomy Trains if you would like to find out more.  However,  I would be remiss if I did not mention that there are other schools and teachers that hold high standards and quality education as well.  All of these newer schools fall under "Structural Integration" because they can't use the "Rolfing" name because that name is registered to the "Rolf Institute".  Some of these schools adhere to the original 10 series by Ida Rolf, but others have changed.  From my perspective, it's not about where the therapist went to school though-  you want to interview your potential therapist about experience and check referrals or testimonials to get feedback on the expertise he/she has in this field.  Good questions to ask maybe:

  • How long have you been working?
  • Do you work with layering?
  • Do you have any recommendations online or whom I can contact?
  • How is this work different than typical massage?
  • How long are your sessions?
Structural Integration is a great way to get your body feeling at its best.  Most clients love the work and feel a real shift after completing the series.  To be honest,  it's not always the easiest massage to receive because it addresses functional and pain areas.  But if clients are willing to feel deeply within, they usually walk away wondering where the  pain went and in wonder that they can feel so much better.

If you are interested in more about fascia, check this research:

or call Sharon Hartnett LMT at (614) 372-6598

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Lower Back Pain

Lower Back Pain is very common.

But that doesn't diminish the fact that it can keep you in bed in pain, unable to move for hours or days.

If you are experiencing the following symptoms,  please see a physician to keep your back healthy:

1.  Difficult time standing or moving around.
2.  Pain that is chronic or acute in the lower back and gluteal area.
3.  Muscle Spasms

Muscles strain, disc issues and accidents are usually the cause for lower back pain. If you are experiencing inflammation,  relax and follow your doctors instructions. However,  when the symptoms quiet down, Craniosacral Therapy and Structural Integration are excellent modalities of healing that can help you to feel better. This is done by releasing restrictions in the fascia and in the Craniosacral System.  When the adhesions dissolve, the body can go back into natural alignment, freeing up your energy and balancing your nervous system.

There is no need to suffer and stay in pain.

If you are interested in finding out more about relieving lower back pain, call Sharon Hartnett LMT at (614) 372-6598.  

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Namaste: Hands of Light Massage Therapy in Columbus Ohio

Namaste:  An ancient Sanskrit greeting which recognizes the light in my heart as connected to yours...

There are two types of Massage in my opinion:
  1. The feel good, fall asleep type of massage.  Great for people who just want to relax.
  2. Therapeutic Massage which leads to deep inner healing and health.
Both are wonderful and can be very beneficial to the Mind, Body, & Spirit Connection.

The real difference is the relationship that is built between the Massage Therapist and the client, even in just an hour. If the Massage Therapist is very present and in a state of listening, the person on the table can feel the quality of touch and contact. This is the Namaste connection. Not only are the tissues touched and manipulated, but the client also feels the dance between the Hands of Light and the Spirit within. When the two people feel this special linkage, something magical happens.  No words can describe it. It's like a knowing which enlightens from the inward awakening.

Life can seem so short at times. Like we are tiny dots in this huge Universe. However, if we are to find real value in our lives,  finding our way home means to travel inward. The richness there can help you to feel whole and complete.

For Massage and Bodywork that supports your Inner Journey, contact Sharon Hartnett LMT, CST at (614) 372-6598.