Are you looking for headache relief to no avail?
Millions of people suffer from headaches each year. Massage therapy can be extremely useful in reducing the intensity and frequency of headaches with possibly eliminating them altogether.
Understanding why you feel so much stress acts up in this area:
First it is important to recognize the simple fact that the neck carries the head which weighs 10-11 pounds in an adult. That's a lot of work! Next, take into consideration the balancing act between the suboccipitals and the jaw muscles. With the constant push-pull action, things can get pulled out of alignment with repetitive or extreme movement. Stress, habitually holding patterns, and things like hormonal imbalances can bring a headache on.
- One of the most crucial areas that feels painful during headaches is under the back of the skull. When certain trigger points in this area is massaged, all that tension dissolves and changes your whole outlook on life. It's often that kind of pain that feels great because you can feel it melting away. Clients love having this area released.
- Craniosacral Therapy works with the myofascial restrictions within the cranium and along the spine primarily. However, by working with the rhythm throughout the whole body by listening and balancing, pain often disappears easily. Craniosacral Therapy can be taught to clients too so they can use these practices at home as soon as a headache appears. For example, pulling the ears gently lateral and posterior may help release the temporal bones, easing the headache.
- Posture is a big deal when it comes to headaches. If your feet are not under you in alignment, or the hips are rotated, whatever the torsion or dysfunction is in the body- eventually that impacts everything. Often people want to come in for a quick fix, but there are usually long term structural issues that need to be addressed as a whole protocol to bring longer lasting natural movement back. Structural Integration based on the fascia produces dramatic change and transforms painful posture into a stronger more vibrant way of movement.
If you are prone to headaches, it's important to speak to your physician. However, it's also beneficial to look at the whole picture. It often takes a holistic approach to heal as we are more than the segments that make us up!
If you are located in the Columbus, Ohio area, Sharon Hartnett LMT, CST, SI is available for a 15 minute free consultation.
Sharon Hartnett LMT, CST, SI 614 372-6598