Wednesday, December 17, 2014

What is Visceral Manipulation?

Visceral Manipulation is focused on restoring the health of organ movement while enhancing functionality.

Based on the Work of Dr. Jean-Piere Barral, a therapist who practices Visceral Manipulation manually listens to the body to feel for primary tension patterns.  At first the hands are placed on the head in order to follow any strains, rotations or restrictions downward.  As the general listening continues, one is directed more into a local listening to be able to find areas for the more detailed work.

Once the area of dysfunction is discovered, techniques are used to bring harmony back to the original organs and also with their relationship to the rest of the visceral system and nearby structures.  This is done by working with mobility (releasing and adhesions and supporting free movement), and by touching into the inherent motility and encouraging natural motion.

A session is done with very light touch working mostly through the connective tissue that encases the organs such as the kidneys, livers, intestines etc... By releasing restrictions, the organs can return back to the job that were created for by not having to work so hard.  Visceral Manipulation usually takes a shorter time than with other types of massage and bodywork, so it can easily be incorporated into other types of therapy.   

Because the Barral Institute is linked with the Upledger Institute,  often one will find practitioners who will add the visceral work into a Craniosacral Therapy Session. They both include listening and following rhythms, are based on listening and applying gentle manipulations, and can be done with clothes on.  Both are built on the foundation of osteopathic medicine.

If you have more questions on this fabulous type of therapy, check

Sharon Hartnett LMT, CST
Upper Arlington and Johnstown, Ohio
(614) 372-6598

Monday, December 15, 2014

Structural Integration Columbus Ohio

Generally this is a Craniosacral Blog.  But I also work doing Structural Integration Therapy which is a more active type of massage therapy that focuses on the fascia. Lately,  I have been hearing the question,  "What is the difference between Rolfing and Structural Integration"?  So I decided to clarify it for those of you who have questions...

The Rolf Institute was created in 1971 to promote and educate people about the work of Dr. Ida Rolf.  The focus of her manual hands on fascia work is based on bringing balance and optimal functionality back to the body by working with the weblike connective tissues that contains all the living structures in your body.  The main benefit of this therapy from my perspective is that the Rolfing brings the body back into more natural alignment, thereby making it easier to move in relationship to gravity. This work helps people to feel more flexible longterm, more energized, and generally happier with how they feel both internally and in relationship with their environment after a 10 series.  The Rolf Institute is located in Boulder, Colorado.

As with most successful things,  students of Ida Rolf began to develop new ideas and concepts and began to branch off into different schools of thought.  One of the most well known fascial leaders at the moment is Tom Myers.  He has been in the forefront of research, evolving his own concepts and understanding while educating the public about this fabulous work.  His link can be found at: Anatomy Trains if you would like to find out more.  However,  I would be remiss if I did not mention that there are other schools and teachers that hold high standards and quality education as well.  All of these newer schools fall under "Structural Integration" because they can't use the "Rolfing" name because that name is registered to the "Rolf Institute".  Some of these schools adhere to the original 10 series by Ida Rolf, but others have changed.  From my perspective, it's not about where the therapist went to school though-  you want to interview your potential therapist about experience and check referrals or testimonials to get feedback on the expertise he/she has in this field.  Good questions to ask maybe:

  • How long have you been working?
  • Do you work with layering?
  • Do you have any recommendations online or whom I can contact?
  • How is this work different than typical massage?
  • How long are your sessions?
Structural Integration is a great way to get your body feeling at its best.  Most clients love the work and feel a real shift after completing the series.  To be honest,  it's not always the easiest massage to receive because it addresses functional and pain areas.  But if clients are willing to feel deeply within, they usually walk away wondering where the  pain went and in wonder that they can feel so much better.

If you are interested in more about fascia, check this research:

or call Sharon Hartnett LMT at (614) 372-6598

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Lower Back Pain

Lower Back Pain is very common.

But that doesn't diminish the fact that it can keep you in bed in pain, unable to move for hours or days.

If you are experiencing the following symptoms,  please see a physician to keep your back healthy:

1.  Difficult time standing or moving around.
2.  Pain that is chronic or acute in the lower back and gluteal area.
3.  Muscle Spasms

Muscles strain, disc issues and accidents are usually the cause for lower back pain. If you are experiencing inflammation,  relax and follow your doctors instructions. However,  when the symptoms quiet down, Craniosacral Therapy and Structural Integration are excellent modalities of healing that can help you to feel better. This is done by releasing restrictions in the fascia and in the Craniosacral System.  When the adhesions dissolve, the body can go back into natural alignment, freeing up your energy and balancing your nervous system.

There is no need to suffer and stay in pain.

If you are interested in finding out more about relieving lower back pain, call Sharon Hartnett LMT at (614) 372-6598.  

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Namaste: Hands of Light Massage Therapy in Columbus Ohio

Namaste:  An ancient Sanskrit greeting which recognizes the light in my heart as connected to yours...

There are two types of Massage in my opinion:
  1. The feel good, fall asleep type of massage.  Great for people who just want to relax.
  2. Therapeutic Massage which leads to deep inner healing and health.
Both are wonderful and can be very beneficial to the Mind, Body, & Spirit Connection.

The real difference is the relationship that is built between the Massage Therapist and the client, even in just an hour. If the Massage Therapist is very present and in a state of listening, the person on the table can feel the quality of touch and contact. This is the Namaste connection. Not only are the tissues touched and manipulated, but the client also feels the dance between the Hands of Light and the Spirit within. When the two people feel this special linkage, something magical happens.  No words can describe it. It's like a knowing which enlightens from the inward awakening.

Life can seem so short at times. Like we are tiny dots in this huge Universe. However, if we are to find real value in our lives,  finding our way home means to travel inward. The richness there can help you to feel whole and complete.

For Massage and Bodywork that supports your Inner Journey, contact Sharon Hartnett LMT, CST at (614) 372-6598.

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Craniosacral and Meditation

One of the reasons why I embraced Craniosacral Therapy was that it has helped me to come more fully into a living meditation.

For a long time, being a constant thinker, it was difficult to quiet down my mind.  During a yoga class, the instructor would leave some time for silence and my chatter continued.  If I was in a in a Meditation group or at the BBSH school, the same thing would happen.  I would observe everyone quiet and emanating more with joy and healthy expression, and I'd be jumping from one thought to the next.  No empty space for me!

Fortunately, when I began to see my first Craniosacral Therapist,  mindful touch techniques and presence began to help me to relax and release old thoughts.  My body felt more enlivened and vital, yet with that tranquil sense of peace without stress.  It was a great relief to quiet down and empty out all the things that were not so relevant.   Progressively, my nervous system changed from anxious to calm. Something that definitely helped me and I knew could help others.

Being a believer in offering what I have learned... I started my own Craniosacral Therapy study and practice about 10 years ago.  Currently, as a Massage Therapist and Certified Advanced Craniosacral Therapist through the Upledger Institute, I have now worked with many people, helping them in the way that I appreciated being supported.  With this work, people genuinely experience new ways of living that help them come more to center and balance, yet feeling energized and generally more positive.  Moving away from pain and stress can change an outlook very easily!

Craniosacral Therapy can be helpful for ADHD,  although it takes commitment to accept the work:), headaches and migraines, fibromyalgia, neck and back pain, digestive issues, nervous system disorders and so much more.  It works with the body's fundamental ability to self-correct and heal on its own.  It is very light touch, but its' profound effects can transform a stressful state, whether physically or emotionally, into a lighter and optimized way of living.

For more information about Craniosacral Therapy,  contact:  Sharon Hartnett at (614) 372-6598 in Columbus, Ohio.


Friday, November 21, 2014

Guess What's Coming Up?

If you would like to experience your first Craniosacral Therapy Session to relax before Thanksgiving, ...   Call Sharon Hartnett CST at (614)372-6598.   Let the work make your day!

$10.00 off if you mention this blog....

Sharon Hartnett CST, LMT
Upper Arlington Ohio

Have a chuckle on the Upcoming day of Gratitude!  Call Today.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Moving from Story to Quiet with Stillpoint

Craniosacral Therapy Stillpoint: A Quiet Place

From the moment we wake up in the morning, to the time we close our eyes at night... our sense of Self is for the most part, identified with thinking and belief systems that affect our health.  

Of course, thinking is an integral  part of living, building and creating, but it can often be brought out of balance by the extreme demands in life.  When we identify with our outer world relationships, we have a choice to respond from a place of equilibrium or polarity.  What determines our reactions is the shape of the world in which our mind is set.  If we have learned to engage in a certain way throughout our lives,  layered habitual patterns will set the template of what our life sees, feels, and looks like. When we live in these preconceived ideas of reality, it is sometimes difficult to accept what is truly in the present.  And living out of harmony in the past or future can be very stressful.  It can make it difficult to be in the truth of the moment.  It can affect our health in so many negative ways. When we are anywhere else besides being with what is.... we are at odds. 

It is when we have the chance to wake up to the realization that our "story is created by us" and that we are indeed responsible for creating and co-creating in the theaters of our mind, that we begin to free up and live more vitally.  Stress leaves, and our Presence expands.

One of the things that can help people to move out of the story and into essence is to have the body's sensory input shift with a Craniosacral Therapy Session.  Often, when clients, come in to my office, they are upset, not feeling well, in pain, stressed out and basically feeling out of whack.  One of the first and best things I do at the beginning of a session is to help the body go into a Stillpoint .   It is the easiest thing I have found to help people to calm down from mind chatter and to allow the body to relax and therapeutically self-correct.  An intervention into the craniosacral system with the merging of the therapist and the client with a small manual movement stirs the consciousness into rippling waves of unfolding and reconnection on so many levels of the physiology, as well as the mind and spirit.  

Clients often describe it as: there is a certain point where the brain seems to just empty and let go of all the stress and tension.  It's quiet and rich.

I find that it is in these quiet places that our whole world can change.

Reality is Reality~

For more information about Craniosacral Therapy,  call Sharon Hartnett CST  at 614 372-6598.

or read:

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Releasing Pain

Craniosacral Therapy

If you want to let go of a painful condition in life, it is necessary to commit to the journey of releasing, asking for help and finding the beauty in the experience. 

It may be a person who comes to your aid, but maybe not- what's key is to allow something in other than what is already in your "enclosed system". New information needs to be able to enter the pain state for transformation. 

Healing can best happen when there is intention and/or grace is allowed. One of the reasons I love Craniosacral Therapy is that although I am doing the work, the work is always doing both myself and the client at a deeper level unleashing the healing potential.  There is no doing in it actually, but rather an opportunity to shift.

If you are interested in finding out more information about CST, call Sharon at 614 372-6598

Monday, October 20, 2014

Fascia: The Biological Fabric that Holds Us Together (Yin and Yang)

Fascia is one of the least understood networks of the Human Body.

If I were to start a conversation with just about any person outside of the Medical Field, they would say, "huh,  I have never heard of fascia".

But if you are a person who likes to have stability and enjoys movement- this part of our anatomy and physiology is very important in terms of living an optimal life.  For a thorough explanation of what fascia is, check out Tom Meyer's Anatomy Trains Website which defines fascia as: 

Here, though, and increasingly in scientific and research circles and professionals worldwide, ‘fascia’ has a wider definition: all the collagenous-based soft-tissues in the body, including the cells that create and maintain that network of extra-cellular matrix (ECM). That definition includes all the tissues traditionally designated as ‘fascia’ in classical anatomy, plus all the other very similar tissues arrayed in different ways around the body; tendons, ligaments, bursae, and all the fascia in and around the muscles – endomysium, perimysium, epimysium. Also included would be the fascia around the organs: the coelomic bags that hold the organs in the peritoneum and mesentery in your abdominal cavity, the mediastinum, pericardium, and pleura that hold the organs in the chest cavity, and the membranes – dura and pia and perineuria – that surround the brain, spinal cord, and peripheral nerves.

As a fascial bodyworker for over 15 years, I have seen the extraordinary shifts and changes in many clients as they receive connective tissue massage that releases adhesions and patterns that keep them out of proper alignment. They walk out with less pain, sometimes no pain at all, with better posture, more sensation within the body, emotionally more stable, and definitely more flexible and more connected to their own energy source.  

And-I have learned that each client needs a unique approach that best suits where he/she is at the time of the sessions.  Some clients like more aggressive or assertive work, and others are best worked with a very soothing and whispering touch.  Even that can change from session to session.

How does Structural Integration and Craniosacral Therapy support the Fascial System?

I like to look at these two systems of bodywork (massage) as yin and yang.  

Craniosacral (CST)  is a very light touch therapy that works primarily with the Craniosacral system.  The best practitioners/therapists in this massage area of focus know how to listen well in silence and gather the necessary information to best be able to support the body to find its own corrections through the most gentle support. While much of the intention is based on the flexion and extension movements of the Cranium and Sacrum, while releasing any restrictions there, the myofascial aspect is also necessary to address for re-connection and communication. The soft tissue weblike fascia functions best when it is lengthened and strains are removed. This can be accomplished by a soft following and connection into unwinding and opening with CST. In fact, when the fascia is worked along with the Craniosacral rhythm and balancing, the collagen, elastin and ground substance transforms exponentially.  I feel this with my hands as change occurs throughout the whole body.  I would call this more "Yin" as it feels more sensitive and receptive.

I first began with a Structural Integration many years ago.  With the evolution of my work, I see the 10 sessions as a co-operation between the therapist and the client to dialogue and work from the outside in, meaning the superficial to the deeper core levels to bring the body into easy movement with the force of gravity.  Using manual hands-on techniques, the therapist moves in multiple directions to help the body to restore itself into the most natural positioning.  In the recipe, the whole of the physical body is addressed with a basic 10 series guidelines as a focus. But it is important to understand that when one part of the body is touched, the rest is too as the fascia is continuous throughout. The Structural Integration work can be quiet like the CST work, but usually it is done more assertively to support dense and scarred tissue to break up and lengthen.  It is up to the therapist and the client to dialogue and discuss boundaries in order to build trust.  If a client ends up defending or compensating, then the work looses its optimal value.  It's always a dance for the massage therapist to find the the "dance of magic" between lighter and deeper touch.  Ultimately though, what is desired is health and wellness on all levels.

I have a real passion for working with clients who are in pain, with limited motion and feeling stuck in trauma.  Working with the Conenctive Tissue Fascia can be life changing.  When you feel better in your body, your whole outlook can change into rays of sunshine!

If you are interested in finding a Massage Therapist in Columbus Ohio who knows fascia, contact:

Sharon Hartnett LMT, CST, SI, BHSP     at (614) 372-6598 for a free 15 telephone consultation.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Just Listen

What makes a Craniosacral Therapy session helpful for clients is the ability of the therapist to listen well.

Craniosacral Therapy is all about the rhythm and helping people to self-correct issues which are taking them out of health.  So it is understandable that the therapist needs to quiet down internally and open to the information that he/she is receiving with their hands, the whole body, and intuitively.

When the Craniosacral Rhythm is restored to health quality in symmetry, amplitude and rate, the nervous system responds in a very positive way.  When the nervous system is healthy, the rest of the body is happier too!

In this day and age, so many people are stressed.  They spend so much time working hard, being goal oriented rather than resting in the moment.  When the mind body spirit becomes overstimulated, it takes a toll of the whole person.  By taking in the skillful touch of Craniosacral Therapy, clients often feel rejuvenated and more balanced.  

Some of the conditions where Craniosacral Therapy can support:  Fibromyalgia, headaches, chronic pain, ADHD, scoliosis, autism, neuralgia, menstrual pain, sinusitis, chronic fatigue, TMJ, breathing disorders, arthritis, emotional disorders and more.

For more information about how Craniosacral Therapy may help you, cause Sharon Hartnett CST for a free 15 phone consultation at (614) 372-6598.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

The Spiritual Side of Craniosacral Therapy

The Spiritual Side of Craniosacral Therapy

Craniosacral Therapy for me originally started as a very grounding and physically oriented way to heal.  The physiology, anatomy, and techniques took some time to learn and understand.  Very linear. Very practical.

But as I began to work with more clients, the energy consciousness dynamic also became very present.  In working primarily with the nervous system, a certain connection on that level of experience ended up being transformative for my clients and also for me.  From my experience, when the body comes into a more restful and peaceful way of Being, an effortless space is created where there is nothing to do but feel more alive in the moment.  There is no work...not even play.  Just a dance between two people meeting and melding in a way that is naturally creative, from the essence of life.

I don't know if Craniosacral Therapists speak of this often as integrative practitioners attract clients wanting to physically get well as their first goal. But this added spiritual experience only enhances the sessions as the mind opens up to new realms of life.  It allow more conscious inter-connection.

My hope is that people are more willing to explore what  "Wellness" mean to them as an individuals.  Does it signify illness into health? Sometimes in illnesses, pain, and suffering, there is a great learning as these areas are touched and lifted into the light so to speak.  Our humanity is questioned, and we have an opportunity to leap into new change.  How many people truly want to step out of their comfort zone and allow the old paradigm to dissolve?  I was just watching Joan Londen on Good Morning America and she said something in terms of how her breast cancer helped her to realize how precious life truly is.  It was a shame that this had to be the tool.  Maybe it could be easier?  I don't know to be honest. But if this is what life is handing you, why not turn it around and see what is on the other side.  Spirit will lead you to the deeper understanding of your existence and what that means through truth and love.  On the other hand, if life is fulfilling and all that it can be for you at this juncture, stay mindful to the opportunities and grace there as well.   Be proactive in your life and support yourself and relationships through the acceptance of Grace and Gratitude.

With the Craniosacral Therapy, the work is light, subtle at times... and easy to allow.   If clients can be patient for sessions and allow this new input from a new modality to enter their system, they will find a new way into still point and reorganization that will prepare them for the next level of their evolution.   Wherever you are on your life path, may the blessings of this earth awaken your spirit into wonder and compassion.


Sharon Hartnett CST 614 372-6598

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Feeling the Rhythm with Craniosacral Therapy

In order to be an excellent Craniosacral Therapist, one must really learn to listen to the CS rhythm before doing anything else.

With the Craniosacral System, the practitioner needs to be able to feel the subtle movement under the body as it moves through flexion and extension.  This takes practice and experience for most therapists as they begin their journey into the world of Craniosacral Therapy.  Sometimes, it also takes the clients a few times to sink in and actually connect to the rhythm as well.  This is because most people have not learned about this rhythm as much as for example the cardiac pulse or diaphragm breathing.  However, the more one receives this work,  the more profound it may become, releasing cellular memory patterns and old energy dynamics.

Using an intention of supporting and connection in Craniosacral Therapy, incredible changes can occur, mostly leaving clients feeling rested, rejuvenated and in good spirits as the work completes itself.  CST can also help alleviate deep seated pain, unwind twists and rotations, and allow space for emotional holding to let go in order to lighten up.

If you would like to know more about this type of bodywork, please call Sharon Hartnett at (614) 372-6598 for a free 15 minute phone consultation.

For more information, please see my website:

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Relieving Osteoarthritis Pain Symptoms with Craniosacral Therapy

In the AMTA Massage Journal,  I just read that approximately 27 million Americans suffer from Osteoarthritis. 

While there is no cure available for Osteoarthritis, there are some treatments that have proven to be helpful in alleviating pain.  In order to optimize quality of life,  speak to your physician first, but also consider looking at a holistic health plan for yourself so that you can remain active and vital in your life.  

Some ideas:

1.  Studies have shown significant improvement with Massage in case studies.  People who have received sessions weekly can feel a real difference.  In particular in my practice, fascial and Craniosacral Therapy has helped clients to feel more flexible and healthier.  As the tissues rehydrate, more fluids are able to get to the joints and regenerate flow and energy.  What is especially nice about the Craniosacral Therapy is that it is extremely light touch, thereby very gentle while providing revitalizing effects.

2.  Food Elimination- Clients that I know who have eliminated certain foods out their diet, feel huge shifts.  The first few days may be difficult, especially if you are letting go of gluten, sugars, nightshade foods, or dairy, but afterwards, the body starts to hum and vibrate in a much more joyful melody.  There are wonderful doctors in the field of Functional Medicine who have had much success with this.  One that I recommend is:  Dr. Anup Konodia  who was just seen on 20/20 nationally.  I have seen clients of his feel incredible changes after changing their diets.

3.  Topical Pain relievers may be helpful.  Some of the patches available at your local pharmacy may help with local pain relief.

4.  Exercise:  Most doctors these days will tell you to listen to your body, but also make sure that you are getting enough exercise to keep your circulation up.  However, don't overdo it because symptoms can worsen if overly fatigued.  Exericse is about finding the right balance for you.

5.  Your physician may want to give you steroids or other medications.  They recommend early treatment to help the progression of the disease to slow down.  As a patient though,  communicate, research and follow the path that feels best to you.


Sharon Hartnett LMT
Columbus, Ohio   614 372-6598

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Healing from Neck Surgery

Neck Surgery

Fortunately for me, I found a technically excellent neurosurgeon who did a disc replacement in my neck for me as I had a huge bone spur pressing into my spine.  I was quickly loosing sensation, in much pain, and my nervous system functioning was diminishing. Lucky for me, I went into NHC, and walked out with a success story.

Yet, post-surgery,  while I initially felt pretty good,  I started to feel a lot of pain throughout my whole body.  There was a buzzing, and overall tension, and major strain and pain.  I felt alone as nobody seemed to understand the pain as I looked healthy.  I had read about other people's experiences on the internet with this type of  operation that could find no help or understanding of what was causing the painful symptoms either.  There was not much guidance of how to follow through and holistically get back into health.  Now I found myself in the same position without a clue as to how to truly get better.

Some of the things I tired: I did go to a PT who spent most of the time measuring things and gave me a few exercises. I have to say, that it didn't help much.  I went to chiropractors, and that helped, but only temporarily.   Although, I was very grateful to be taken out of pain. I received some excellent Structural Integration and Craniosacral Therapy, but not enough and a little bit too late in the game.  As I result,  I found myself deteriorating and the doctors just didn't have any answers why I wasn't feeling well.

When I went down to Florida last year, my friend and an excellent bodyworker in Naples, Florida, JoAnn Rahl, gave me some ideas to get back on the road of recovery.  On of the best things I did for myself was to receive so Structural Integration Therapy.   I know that I include this in my practice and have had many many clients who have received the benefits of my work,  but I needed to give this to myself as well.  After a few sessions with her and another friend Cindi, I could see that there was a great possibility of healing.  I also started to do some Feldenkrais work, Yamuna Ball Rolling, and Melt exercises that Joann taught me, and that also helped tremendously.  But even though that was helpful, something was contributing to constant inflammation.  Nothing in my medical records revealed any problems.  However, I felt burning and disharmony throughout my tissues.  So after the bodywork and movement practices, I decided to go off gluten.  I showed no markers with gluten sensitivities, but I did feel much better without this is my diet.  My thinking cleared up and my energy balanced.  I also started taking emulsified vitamin D as I read more about inflammation and a new supplement called glutathione in liquid form which seemed to really help.  A strong probiotic called VSL3-DS too brought positive results. Reading and researching for your own wellness is important when doctors and others don't understand or relate to your health.  I am clearly not a doctor, but I did read what other Functional doctors were talking about, and they had some important information to share.

I am not saying that I am at 100 percent.  It takes times to find your unique path to wellness.  But I will say that it helps to ask questions, to take self-responsibility and to try different healing modalities to help you to heal and deepen in your evolutionary process.   Don't take "no' for an answer.  Give practitioner's some time.  It took a long time to get out of alignment, it takes time to get back on track. People who live with a positive intention can get better.... stick with it and don't let life bring them down.  They let go of their thoughts that "nothing works", and move forward with heart and better choices.

With my neck,  my present regiment is to get good bodywork  (Structural Integration, Craniosacral Therapy), take supplements that I find work for me,  slowly do food elimination protocols to help me determine what supports me nutritionally or not, and to practice stretching and movement on a daily basis.  We live in a world that is very polluted and where GMO's and pesticides are in our foods.  We need to take steps to get back to the simplicity of nature and connect with healthy plants, air, people and our connection to Spirit.   

Don't ever give up on yourself for too long...  Look for the teaching in every moment if possible. Believe it or not, the Universe is always supporting you if you can use fresh eyes to see it!

Quality of life means coming back into balance and receiving that which supports you.

I am feeling quite a bit better.  My posture is improving. My eating is better. Still doing my practices.  And I like to help others who are in pain, and not finding the answers they need to get better.  I am not a doctor, but I do have an inquisitive mind, and I enjoy helping my clients.

I look at this surgery and all the issues that went with it as a good teaching to be human and to find an enriching way to be in service.

My personal journey with neck surgery,


Sharon Hartnett LMT
Columbus, Ohio

Feeling Strong!

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Craniosacral Therapy is based on working with the Craniosacral System and the surrounding Fascia. 

But do clients and Bodyworkers know everything they can about the Fascia part of the work?

For years,  Craniosacral Therapists, Structural Integration Therapists and a myriad of other bodyworkers have been clued into this mysterious fabric that wraps and contains all the organs and other functional cellular materials in the body.  We have seen incredible results where people stand taller, find more flexibility, feel more vitalized and alive after sessions.  But there is so much more to learn...   for example-  while we feel the fluidity increase within, how does that actually affect clients on a cellular level?

Fortunately for all people interested, the Integrative Therapists and Scientists have decided to come together to deepen their knowledge in their quest to discover more. What this means for clients is that with more research,  bodyworkers can change their intentions and tools to better aid the process of healing. 

Check out the following Youtube of Dr. Schleip who spoke at the Congress to find out more:

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

The Art of Listening with Craniosacral Therapy

When I talk about Craniosacral Therapy,  I always speak about Listening.

Clients come in to be heard.  Their bodies are asking to be acknowledged and supported.  The goals that they want accomplished can only be reached by palpation and touch with listening hands and a listening heart.  So when I came across the following quote, I was touched.  I was reminded that in the stillness and quiet, a bubbling spring sprouts forth that is fruitful and lush.  

"As healers we have to receive the story of our fellow human beings with a compassionate heart, a heart that does not judge or condemn but recognizes how the stranger’s story connects with our own…. Our most important question as healers is not, “What to say or to do?” but, “How to develop enough inner space where the story can be received?”

Henri J. M. Nouwen

Spaciousness is empty.  It holds the possibilities of all healing.


Sharon Hartnett LMT, CST

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Follow the Energy in Craniosacral Therapy (614) 372-6598

Craniosacral Therapy (CST) is born from the field of Science. 

Dr. John Upledger, Dr. Sutherland and other Osteopathic physicians developed their fine CST work through years of study and research with the Craniosacral System (CSS).  Fortunately today, the Upledger Institute has trained thousands of massage therapists, bodyworkers and other hands-on practitioners to spread the benefits of this compassionate and profound work.  

How does Energy Fit into this Craniosacral Therapy Model?

Included in the Upledger curriculum, there is some focus on Energy Therapy.  Releasing chaotic patterns of energy dysfunction can dissolve restrictions and allow the body to self-correct and heal.  Flow and movement are essential in healing.

While most sessions start with a basic physiological protocol, the more advanced work actually does delve into feeling into the energy component of healing. One of the areas that I like to work with is relieving active energy cysts through light and gentle touch, but also through intention. After years of working with the Human Energy Field (HEF), it is fairly easy for me to just ask the body to show me the lesion and I directly go there.  Secondary or related areas will also present themselves as the session moves along as needed. Yet at the same time,  I am constantly amazed at how the energy of the HEF's wisdom is always so present and ready to facilitate the healing.  Craniosacral Therapy is a constant joy in revealing the body's own capacity to heal and evolve.

Often when I work with the energy cyst,  I notice that there are feelings and unresolved patterns that release.  But as my heart is open and I align my hara with kind and stable holding, the energy begins to quiet,  dissolve and the space reorganizes itself into a more peaceful state of being.

However, if emotional issues do showed up,   Craniosacral Therapists are trained to dialogue and support the client's own personal process without doing psychotherapy.  Our job is to help you find your own answers through whatever intelligence is awake and alive in your human energy field.

I know Energy Consciousness can seem very far out. But in reality, anyone who is sensitive can feel an energy system once they quiet and listen.

If you have any questions about a Craniosacral Therapy session including energy healing, please contact Sharon Hartnett at  740 966-5153for a free 15 minute phone consultation.

Sharon Hartnett LMT:  Certified Advanced Craniosacral Therapist in Columbus, Ohio

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Finding the right Craniosacral Therapist for You! Columbus, Ohio

When you are looking for a Craniosacral Therapist (CST) to help you relieve pain, release cellular trauma, and/or to rediscover your joy-

take your time and interview.

Not all Therapists have the same experience, learning and talent. 

In fact, every person who touches you is going to offer you a totally different experience.  

Look at credentials first, and consider whether your CST is certified or not.  If he or she is... then that massage therapist or bodyworker has gone through a rigorous curriculum to demonstrate skill, understanding of the Craniosacral system and an excellent hands on approach to working with the Craniosacral Rhythm and its ability to release dysfunction and improve overall health and wellness.  Also,  you can go to the Upledger Institute and research that therapist's name to see if they have gone on to the advanced level work or not.  As a Craniosacral Therapist continue's his/her education, they enhance their ability to be more technical, work with enhanced listening, to stay more present, and to work with dialoguing when trauma and emotional work arises.

Next, take the time to discuss some of your concerns on the phone and ask questions to make sure that it is a right fit.  You are the client and your needs are the priority in the session.  You deserve to work with someone with the best credentials and ability to directly focus on your challenges. So ask about their history with CST, how long they have worked, and if they have had success with your current issue.  No CST or any therapist can promise results, but the better therapists can integrate and stay with the session more fully based on what they bring to the table.

Look for someone who is not only mindful, but a Craniosacral Therapist who is compassionate and works from the heart.  Some therapists are overworked and often felt feeling stressed out themselves. Ask questions to see if they enjoy their work and if they know how to balance their own lives by taking care of themselves as well.  The best therapist is one who stays more than half full rather than half empty in life. You want to work with someone who can offer you the best care.  Someone who centers from their heart first.

By supporting the Central nervous system and releasing restrictions through the body, Craniosacral Therapy has been shown to enhance functionality and bring about profound healing.  CST is a gentle and non-invasive modality of bodywork that is virtually risk-free and all ages can benefit from this essential therapy.

If you have any questions,  call Sharon Hartnett LMT, CST in Columbus Ohio for a free 15 minute phone consultation.  (614) 372-6598

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Just Loving Craniosacral Therapy: TMJ Help in Columbus, Ohio

Well Folks,

It's another ending to a fantastic 4 days of being a Teacher Assistant for the Upledger Institute with their Craniosacral Therapy Curriculum.  Special Thanks to Fred Stahlman PT, for his teaching, the other TA's,  Tammy- and the whole group.  A great group here in Columbus, Ohio!

I feel so refreshed and current with the new material presentations. And- working with the therapists who took the course was absolutely wonderful. It was magical touching into all these bodies and bringing new awareness to healing and the natural organic ability of the body to self-correct.  It really is a blessing being able to be supportive to the Institute in its' teaching and see the students blossom and bring this gentle and wonderful work out into the world.

The great thing about the Level 2 Course that I find exciting is the mouth work.  I have so many clients that come in with TMJ symptoms, and with sessions also specifically geared towars working the maxilla, sphenoid and other related bones and tissues, it is possible to have some good release for this often seemingly unresolvable issue.  While TMJ is often found with women,  opening up the Avenue of Expression for both genders can be very freeing.   I found myself smiling and laughing with a quicker sense of humor just being in the energy of all of it.

I like to tell clients upfront, that with TMJ,  it is often necessary to continue sessions.  It's not a one time "fix it" cure.  However, this work can relieve tension in the TMJ joints and increase the range of motion for the mouth. It may take 3-4 sessions, but most people do experience a positive difference.

While we are not trained in being psychotherapists,  students who carry on into the Somato-Emotional Therapy level are trained to work with feelings that come up during a session.  At the same time, CST's also are wise enough to know when to refer out.  If you have experienced trauma and need additional support let your Craniosacral Therapist know during your intake.

TMJ, from my perspective is about stress in having to hold feeling back, or stuffing it in.  Local treatment on one area of the body rarely resolves this issue longterm.  If you are suffering from TMJ, I invite you to open up to some deep healing opportunities.

If you have any questions about Craniosacral Therapy Treatment for TMJ, please call:

Sharon Hartnett LMT, CST

(614) 372-6598

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Back Pain: Try Craniosacral Therapy in Columbus

Some people like very deep touch, but others...

Prefer something that is light and gentle, but also profound in its subtle changes.

Segments along the spine are tractioned and the nerves can lengthen and function more optimally to alleviate back and neck pain.

Craniosacral Therapy uses about 5 grams of touch to monitor and help strengthen the nervous system,  encourage the surrounding fluids and membranes in order to balance and feel more vital.  As the body comes back to its natural state, the healing begins.

For more information, call Sharon Hartnett:

(614) 372-6598 

Craniosacral Therapy Columbus

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Understanding Craniosacral Therapy

One of the reasons why I love Craniosacral Therapy is because it is so light and gentle.  

After doing Structural Integration for many years,  I decided to question whether a light touch could produce as profound results as the more active types of massage work.  

And-  Indeed it does.

For me though as a Certified Advanced CST practitioner and one who has received a lot of work,  Craniosacral is a type of bodywork that feels more subtle and promotes self-healing at a very deep level.  For people who are not very much in touch with their bodies, it may take a few sessions to relax and to begin to experience life in a more quiet way.  It takes patience sometimes to drop all the activity out in the world and to listen to the spaciousness within.

In the United States, people are often so busy-  we have so may worries and concerns about money, work, food,  relationships- whatever.  Craniosacral time is about letting go of these stresses and reconnecting with balance, nourishing connection and the intelligence of life.

At first,  it may seem like not much is happening at all.  But as sessions progress, and the body takes in the quiet work,  things begin to re-organize, and the nervous system especially begins to find its center and flow zone more easier.  When the nervous system is happy, the rest of the body can let go of fight or/and flight responses.  Healing reconnects us to our core.

To be a Certified Craniosacral Therapist, one has to study anatomy and physiology of the brain, spinal  cored, and surrounding tissues to understand how to support the flow of the craniosacral fluid for symmetry, strength, amplitude and more.  We help you to explore the quiet spaces of calm, and wisdom that already exist within you.  We trust the process because we have found the healing for ourselves.  Otherwise, we would not have learned this type of work.  All the CST people I know have a heart for healing and a mind to understand the details of how the body functions.

Some of the things that Craniosacral Therapy are good for are:  

  • Migraines and Headaches
  • Chronic Neck and Back Pain
  • Stress and Tension
  • Motor Coordination Impairments
  • Infant and Childhood Disorders
  • Brain and Spinal Cord Injuries
  • Chronic Fatigue
  • Fibromyalgia
  • TMJ
  • Scoliosis
  • Central Nervous Disorders
  • Learning Disabilities
  • ADD
  • PTSD
  • Orthopedic Problems 
  • And many other Conditions

For more information on this beautifully intricate type of massage and bodywork, check out:

or my website at:

If you are local to the Columbus, Ohio area and would like a Craniosacral Session, please call:

Sharon Hartnett LMT, CST

(614) 372-6598 

Also, working in the Johnstown area.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

April Return Discount for Craniosacral in Columbus, Ohio Call: (614) 372-6598

Craniosacral Therapy Deal for April:

Call:  740 966-5153  for a $10.00 off coupon for your first Craniosacral Therapy session with Sharon Hartnett in Columbus, Ohio.  Just mention this blog and it yours!

Healing through the CST system and supporting the energetic balance of life!

Sharon Hartnett LMT, CST